On 2nd-3rd June 2022 we ran our 4th annual BioBlitz event – a 24 hour wildlife survey!

Over 24 hours we recorded 179 species. This brings our year-to-date list up to:
- 43 moth species including scorched wing and water carpet.
- 16 butterfly species including small tortoiseshell and speckled wood.
- 5 beetle species, including glow worm (not actually a worm but a beetle!).
- 76 plant species including southern marsh orchid – a new record for the site.
- 25 bird species including firecrest, an exciting sound for many to hear for the first time.
- 3 reptile species – common lizard, grass snake and slow worm.
- 3 amphibian species – common frog, common toad and palmate newt.
- 7 mammal species including barbastelle bat and bank vole.

What happens to the records?
These records will be sent to Wiltshire and Swindon Biological Records Centre. Wildlife records help build a picture of how species are doing, including whether they are increasing or decreasing in range and abundance locally, nationally and even internationally. Records are used to inform land management including housing developments and habitat management work.
We had fantastic volunteer support again in welcoming other attendees and leading wildlife activities. Thank you so much, all of you!