Creative Spirit

22nd to 24th June 2018 – Bring inspiration and creative juice to your life and work.

Do you want to raise your creative energy, and enjoy life more? This weekend offers great ways to do this: relaxing in a magical wood, connecting with what inspires you in your life or work, and sharing music, campfires and good meals.
Supported by the beauty and vitality of a 70-acre wood in midsummer, this weekend offers you a rich choice of nourishment for your creative growth:

  • Relaxing in the space, peace and beauty of a magical wood at midsummer to refresh and inspire you.
  • Trying new approaches to spark creativity, such as learning from ecosystems, playfulness, and reframing the situation.
  • Sharing movement and song and meditation as a way to connect with your vision, purpose and the joys of life.
  • Celebrating the Celtic festival of Summer Solstice: growing into full summer, aligning ourselves with this season of expansiveness.
  • Using our challenges as a guide to further growth, in personal and work situations.
  • Drawing on Thomas Berry’s teachings about the power of positive dreams in practical change.
  • Enjoying a sense of community within our circle of people, and with all the life in the wood, to find new perspectives and sources of wisdom.
  • Exploring the idea that creation is an ongoing process in our world, and each of us has a part to play in it.

Alan and Cordelia have led many personal and spiritual development groups, weaving together these approaches. Alan has been exploring natural resilience and honouring the Celtic festivals at Hazel Hill for over 20 years. See more at Cordelia is a gifted musician and group leader with a deep affinity for ecology and inspiration from nature, and a talent for creating nourishing spaces for exploration.

Cost including food and accommodation: £180, concessions £140. Some private bedrooms available at a small premium. Timing: Fri 7pm-Sun 4pm.