Volunteering has always been an integral part of Hazel Hill Wood. It plays a vital role in the delivery of the charity’s aims to promote wellbeing, resilience and sustainability: for individuals, society and the natural world. We understand that volunteers have different backgrounds, interests and time commitments. So we endeavor to offer a volunteer programme incorporating a range of roles, from hands-on conservation tasks, to administrative support behind the scenes, your contribution makes a huge difference. If you are interested in any of the opportunities below, please contact Lauren Kearse, Volunteer Admin Coordinator, at lauren@hazelhill.org.uk
Practical Volunteer Days at the wood
We’ve been running volunteer days at the wood since the charity began and highly value the huge contribution volunteers have made in so many ways. If you’d like to get involved we’d love to hear from you.
What’s involved? Currently we have two days running each month, on the first Friday and third Wednesday. For more information click here.

Garden BirdWatch survey volunteers
The Garden BirdWatch survey helps the British Trust for Ornithology (BTO) understand how and why populations of garden birds and other wildlife are changing. Volunteers Ella Abbott and Mark Burfitt set up this survey in February 2021, and it’s been completed most weeks since then. We are looking for another volunteer or two to join the team.
What’s involved? 30 minute survey 1-3 times per month (the survey is once a week, shared on a rota between a small volunteer team). Bird identification skills needed, training will be given, basic computer skills needed to submit the data. Please get in touch if you are interested.

Bird nest box survey volunteers
Each year since 2020 we take part in the BTO Nesting Neighbours nest box survey, “…contributing vital information to our understanding of birds’ breeding success.” This is a lovely survey where you get to experience the whole nesting cycle up close, from nest building and egg laying, to hatching and growing, until the baby birds are ready to fledge and fly the nest!
What’s involved? Roughly 2 hours weekly, Feb/Mar to Jul/Aug, training will be given, some bird species identification skills needed, 2-4 people required as it involves ladder use and carrying the ladder around the wood, basic computer skills needed to submit the data and basic photography skills. Please get in touch if you are interested.

Butterfly survey volunteers
Each year since 2019 we take part in the butterfly transect survey, part of the UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (UKBMS). It is a rewarding and enjoyable task. From Butterfly Conservation: “The UKBMS is one of the longest running insect monitoring schemes in the world, with data from over 6,000 sites contributing to the butterfly trends since 1976.”
What’s involved? 1.5 hours weekly Apr-Sep, butterfly identification skills needed, training will be given, 1-2 people, 2km walk in sometimes hot conditions, basic computer skills needed to submit the data. Please get in touch if you are interested.

Moth survey volunteers
The National Moth Recording Scheme “… is being used to conserve threatened moths, increase scientific understanding of moth declines and improve public awareness.” Hazel Hill has contributed to this scheme running occasional surveys from 2019, and monthly surveys from Apr-Oct from 2023. We’re looking for more volunteers to help this become a regular survey. Please get in touch if you are interested.

Event crew volunteers
Throughout the year Hazel Hill run events at the wood, such as Conservation Weekends, a 24 hr BioBlitz, the Wood Chop Challenge etc. Crew volunteers support these events by helping out with things like welcoming people when they arrive, sharing our H&S information with new visitors, serving tea and coffee, preparing meals, keeping buildings warm in the winter, supporting leaders running activity sessions etc. There are also opportunities for regular volunteers to ‘lead’ sessions at events, such as guided walks, tree identification, forest bathing etc. If you have a particular area of expertise or skill you’re keen to share with others please let us know.

Volunteer Trustee
Become a Trustee of Hazel Hill Trust and help shape our work to bring people back into contact with nature.
Location: A mixture of on-site at Hazel Hill Wood, near Salisbury and online via Zoom.
Time commitment: Minimum one day per month.
Please contact Oliver Broadbent (oliver@hazelhill.org.uk), Chair of Trustees for an informal conversation to find out more about the role.

Other volunteer roles
In addition to our volunteering roles above, we welcome ideas from people who would like to help us in other volunteer roles.
If you have skills in biological recording, territory mapping, wildlife photography, marketing, website/graphic design (or even something we haven’t thought of yet) and are interested in contributing to our charity, please contact us.