Wildlife & Bushcraft Team Days

Would you like to get up close to the hidden wildlife of Hazel Hill Wood? Or learn how to light a fire without matches?

Tailored to the needs of your group – we have experience of working with lots of different people and ages, including work teams, community support groups and people with additional needs. Choose from the following activities to add to your woodland day hire:

  • Pond dipping
  • Bug hunting
  • Fire lighting
  • Den building
  • Woodland games
  • Conservation task
  • Guided nature walk

Brilliant, great fun and an opportunity to have playtime with colleagues. I really saw how well we operate as a team.”


Choose from:

  • half day
  • or, full day.

Choose from:

  • woodland hire (with access to an outdoor shelter)
  • or, woodland hire and indoor Oak House hire.

Choose from:

  • 2 hours of activities
  • or, 4 hours of activities (two hours in the morning and two hours in the afternoon).

Choose from:

  • up to 20 people in your group
  • up to 40 people in your group (Charley plus one other facilitator chosen by Hazel Hill).

Create your perfect team day, for example:

Half day woodland hire @ £75 with two hours facilitation for your team of up to 20 people @ £90 = total cost: £165.

Full day woodland hire @ £150 with four hours facilitation for your team of up to 20 people @ £180 = total cost: £330.

Full day woodland hire with use of the Oak House @ £300 with 2 hours facilitation for your team of up to 20 people @ £90 = total cost: £390.

Full day woodland hire with use of the Oak House @ £300 with 4 hours facilitation for your team of up to 40 people @ £360 = total cost: £660.

Toasting marshmallows on a fire
Toasting marshmallows on a fire


For up to 20 people:

2 hours of activities – choose 2-3 activities: £90

4 hours of activities – choose 4-5 activities: £180

For 20-40 people:

2 hours of activities – choose 2-3 activities: £180

4 hours of activities – choose 4-5 activities: £360

Pond dipping
Pond dipping


Mondays – available with woodland hire only (Oak House not available).

Tuesdays – day hire only, extra facilitation not currently available.

Wednesdays – available with woodland hire (Oak House hire optional).

Thursdays – available with woodland hire (Oak House hire optional).

Fridays – available with morning woodland hire only.

Saturdays & Sundays – residential events only.

To check availability and to book, contact us on 07311 375985 or email: bookings@hazelhill.org.uk.

For more information on the activities, contact Charley on charley@hazelhill.org.uk or 07519 464023.