Volunteer Conservation Day

Friday 5th November 2021. Join our team of volunteers and contribute to valuable nature conservation work, develop new skills, meet people and get active in a relaxing and nourishing environment. For more information click here.

Volunteer Conservation Day

Friday 1st October 2021. Join our team of volunteers and contribute to valuable nature conservation work, develop new skills, meet people and get active in a relaxing and nourishing environment. For more information click here.

Autumn Conservation Weekend


Friday 1st to Sunday 3rd October 2021 Join us for an autumnal weekend of woodland conversation and human restoration. About this event This weekend combines the satisfaction of outdoor physical activity with the restorative effect of relaxing in a woodland environment. Over two days and two nights at Hazel Hill you will get the chance… Continue reading Autumn Conservation Weekend

The Hideaway – transformating the future for all of us

Buildings supervisor Neil stands in front of the Hideaway photovoltaics

Prior to the Covid pandemic, we were enjoying hosting many more groups in the wood, learning about conservation, sustainability, wellbeing, resilience and mindfulness – not only from our own team, but from teachers worldwide who run their retreats and residentials at Hazel Hill Wood. Having been aware that our accommodation was not adequate to meet… Continue reading The Hideaway – transformating the future for all of us

Categorised as Blog Tagged

Volunteer Conservation Day

Thursday 2nd September 2021 (CHANGED FROM FRIDAY 3rd). Join our team of volunteers and contribute to valuable nature conservation work, develop new skills, meet people and get active in a relaxing and nourishing environment. For more information click here.

Volunteer Conservation Day

Friday 6th August 2021. Join our team of volunteers and contribute to valuable nature conservation work, develop new skills, meet people and get active in a relaxing and nourishing environment. For more information click here.

Bat & Glow Worm Night

Thursday 29th July 2021 20:30 – 22:00pm Look for bats flying as the sun sets, and hear bats’ calls through a bat detector. Then look for lights in the dark… Join us to learn about and look for bats and glow worms in Hazel Hill Wood, near Salisbury. We’ll start with a short introductory talk… Continue reading Bat & Glow Worm Night

Woodland Resilience Immersion Retreat for Doctors

'A powerful site for powerful work'

Tuesday 20th to Thursday 22nd July 2021. Nature-based ways to resource yourself and your practice. The impact of prolonged overload, COVID working and the stress of facing ever-rising demands with shrinking resources, is calling us to respond creatively. This Woodland  Resilience Immersion will offer you some insights and skills, and different ways for raising resilience… Continue reading Woodland Resilience Immersion Retreat for Doctors