Nature Immersion for Climate Distress

'A powerful site for powerful work'
'A powerful site for powerful work'

Tuesday 17th to Wednesday 18th May 2022.

A CPA-sponsored workshop for therapists and counsellors.

We can see that the climate crisis is worsening, and we need new ways to respond to rising climate distress. This experiential workshop is designed for therapists, counsellors and other professionals, offering you a chance to explore and learn how Nature immersion can be part of your approach, both with individuals and groups, drawing on many years of this work by the facilitators and at this unique venue. 

We will shape the content to the interests of participants, and provide space for everyone to share their experience on this topic. This event positively welcomes people from any racial, gender, religious, age and other backgrounds. We actively encourage you to enquire about concessions if you are interested but cannot afford the workshop. We have two lower fee places for unwaged or low-waged participants. This event is only open to booking from CPA members until March 12: if there are places available after this date, others are welcome to book. The approaches we aim to explore include: 

  • How Nature immersion can enable specific climate response processes, such as The Work that Reconnects (deep ecology) and Deep Adaptation. 
  • Methods of Nature immersion, including forest bathing, micro-quests, tree connection, symbol walks, reality shifts (campfires, night walks, etc), Alan Heeks’ ecosystem model for human resilience, and rewilding. 
  • Ways to tailor nature immersion to a range of clients, including one-to-one therapy, young people, high-stress professionals such as doctors, and special needs groups. 
  • How to use Nature immersion in the urban outdoors, online, and for indoor groups.  


Alan Heeks: has used nature contact in facilitating groups and individual coaching for 25 years. He set up the retreat centre at Hazel Hill, and has pioneered many groups and processes here, often using his Natural Happiness model of ecosystems as a guide to human resilience. He co-developed the Nature Resilience Immersion groups for doctors. See more at and Deeply involved in climate responses, member of CPA, and of the Deep Adaptation Holding Group. 

Jane Sanders: has worked as a mindfulness-based psychotherapist for over 30 years. She first came across eco-psychology and deep ecology in the 1980s reading John Seed and Joanna Macy and then training as a ‘Work that Reconnects’ facilitator. Over the last 10 years, she joined the teaching staff at Sweetrack Counselling training – helping develop one of the first curriculums integrating ecopsychology into trainee counsellors’ development.  She currently offers Rewilding Therapy CPD trainings and has an outdoor psychotherapy and supervision practice at Hallr Wood in Somerset.  She is a CPA member. 

Marcos Frangos: Marcos works as a counsellor, constellations coach and group facilitator, with wide experience in nature immersions including many groups at Hazel Hill. He was General Manager of Hazel Hill Trust 2015-2019, and has worked with Alan and Jane on Nature Resilience Immersions and other events. See

For more information and to book please visit: