Soul Resilience Weekend Retreat

Friday 25th to Sunday 27th February 2022.

How your core self can help you grow through storms.

As life gets more turbulent, we need to go higher and dig deeper to find a quantum step up in our resilience. This retreat is a chance to explore how the deep wisdom of your soul can help you to stay centred and positive, and clarify your purpose: why your soul has chosen to be here in a time of huge change.

The intention for this retreat is to create a deep space for soul exploration, with guided processes, sharing time, and solo periods to reflect, renew, and draw insights from soul, spirit and Nature. We aim to support resilience for challenges of all kinds, from personal and family, through work and community, to the global climate emergency. We will offer a different, soul-based approach to good climate response processes: Joanna Macy’s Work that Reconnects, and Deep Adaptation. The ingredients will include:

  • Finding your own sense of your soul, and creating a dialogue.
  • Ways to deepen soul connection, including calling on a guide, Nature immersion, sacred chants, group support, dreams, and Gaia connection.
  • Creating a safe container for slow, deep listening to the interconnections of all life, including spirit and nature.
  • Why am I here? Find your soul’s view on how to live with and grow through climate crisis.
  • Helping soul and body to cohabit, and create shared resilience.
  • Nourishing the soul, individually and collectively, as a key to everyday resilience.

Alan Heeks has been exploring resilience, climate responses, and the soul’s journey for many years. He is a widely experienced group and retreat leader, whose interest in soul resilience has grown as a positive response to the climate crisis. See and

Jane Sanders has over 25 years’ experience in working with a mindfulness-based approach to wellbeing with groups and individuals, and draws on ecospirituality, deep ecology, rewilding and Nature immersion.

For more information and to book please visit