2023 – a bumper year for moth recording!

‘The Mocha’ moth likes woodland habitats. The caterpillars feed on field maple leaves. Written by volunteer Polly Whyte Thanks to an amazing volunteer effort, we recorded more moths in 2023 than any year before. Six nights of light trap surveys were undertaken at Hazel Hill Wood between April and October, plus further species were recorded… Continue reading 2023 – a bumper year for moth recording!

2023 volunteer survey results

We’re really pleased to report that our volunteers are still enjoying themselves at Hazel Hill Wood! Similar results to last year, with some more positive responses and fewer improvements suggested. Reasons for volunteering continue to have themes of: See here for a presentation with graphs and more details. See below for some photos of what… Continue reading 2023 volunteer survey results

Our wildflower-rich hay meadow

Hazel Hill meadow by Diana Cotter

As you turn off Grimstead Road and go down the track into Hazel Hill Wood, you pass our meadow on your right, part of our land. It’s at its peak in June and July, visibly and audibly full of life, and is one part of the mosaic of habitats that makes Hazel Hill Wood so… Continue reading Our wildflower-rich hay meadow

Finding your personal happy

How can we stay happy when there’s too much change and uncertainty? Are there ways to bounce back and thrive if everyday life and work is getting us down? The answer is to cultivate yourself like a garden, and grow your own wellbeing by learning from natural ecosystems. The times we’re in are tough: it’s… Continue reading Finding your personal happy

Nourishing resilience: professionals need this too

Average daily life and work seems to get more uncertain and demanding for all of us: that includes the professional practitioners who are paid for their expertise in change management, resilience coaching and more. I include myself in this professional group, and my resilience skills are getting stretched and challenged every week. Wisdom Tree is… Continue reading Nourishing resilience: professionals need this too

Growing Natural Resilience: how can we learn from ecosystems

By Alan Heeks I talk about resilience a lot, and I hear very varied definitions of it from others.  Some regard resilience as a hard, cold, mechanistic idea, whereas my first images are of a green, creative springiness: the growing through problems that we can see in sustainable ecosystems. This blog offers my views on… Continue reading Growing Natural Resilience: how can we learn from ecosystems