Why do men need men’s groups?

Men generally grow up seeing other men as competitors, and mostly have poorer support networks and interactive skills than women. Perhaps that was useful when fighting for the last bison on the plains, but it doesn’t help most men in 2015. These days, most of us need high emotional intelligence and collaboration skills just to… Continue reading Why do men need men’s groups?

Tap into your own ‘Wellspring of Wellbeing’

Marcos Frangos will be leading a constellation retreat at Hazel Hill Wood, Thursday 15 October 6pm – Friday 16 October 4.30pm Both Spring and Autumn bring an amazing energy of renewal. These retreats will give you the time to explore the essence of your own wellbeing, and the habits and patterns that no longer serve… Continue reading Tap into your own ‘Wellspring of Wellbeing’

Nourishing resilience: professionals need this too

Average daily life and work seems to get more uncertain and demanding for all of us: that includes the professional practitioners who are paid for their expertise in change management, resilience coaching and more. I include myself in this professional group, and my resilience skills are getting stretched and challenged every week. Wisdom Tree is… Continue reading Nourishing resilience: professionals need this too

Growing Natural Resilience: how can we learn from ecosystems

By Alan Heeks I talk about resilience a lot, and I hear very varied definitions of it from others.  Some regard resilience as a hard, cold, mechanistic idea, whereas my first images are of a green, creative springiness: the growing through problems that we can see in sustainable ecosystems. This blog offers my views on… Continue reading Growing Natural Resilience: how can we learn from ecosystems